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How to Install

Our screens are suitable indoors and outdoors and are perfect for any DIYer to install with ease. They can be easily drilled and cut to size to suit all applications. By using the correct wall plugs and screws, they can be attached to a solid wood, cement, or steel frame, same with free-standing applications, like fencing, where you can use any type of post, concrete, plastic, or wood.

We recommend having a level and tape handy, as with anything, the screens look better when fitted correctly, especially when using multiple screens in the same area.

Nobody likes a crooked picture, the same rule applies to the screens!!

Yes, they are perfect as unlike wood or metal, our screens are unaffected by water or humidity. They are excellent to provide some privacy so you can relax and enjoy the experience!

Yes, our screens can be used with any pergola. They can be attached to the structure itself by hanging or attaching to sides. If they are to be free-standing, you can use any post or upright that suits your application.

Yes, this is a popular option for our screens, the 1200 x 600m or the 1800 x 300 screens are perfect for this type of application. The screens can be framed with wooden batons and attached to the wall or any post can be used as long as securely fixed to the wall.

Again, similar to the answers above with the pergola, hot tub, etc. to create stand alone garden features or borders in outdoor spaces, you can use posts of your choice or wooden batons, depending on your application. If you are using a tradesman for fitting, they will be able to advise on best practice or you can contact the team here at Screening Concepts for advice. We are only too happy to help!

Yes, if your fence is structurally sound, we are all for saving it and doing our bit for the environment, instead giving it a face lift with our screens. Our lighter screens can be used, simply drilling them into the fence to secure.